Syntax: Judgement System and Vox Creation

About writers know syntax is the way the words in a sentence are organized. When they examine their sentence organization, writers often only look for clarity to brand sure their point is coherent. What they don't consider as often is how the fashion a sentence is arranged builds both their authorial vocalization and the voices of their characters.

Parataxis: Simple Judgement Structure

When it comes to sentence organization, many writers nod off or only care enough to be clear, but the kind of syntax you use has a tremendous impact on voice. A child is going to arrange their sentences differently than a psychologist. Your sentence…

Parataxis are short, simple sentences. Even when combined, they remain simple because only analogous clauses (2 sentences that could exist their own independent sentences) are used. Here, the aforementioned ii paratactic phrases are shown written iii different ways.

1.  Ellie wanted a cookie. She slid the chair to the counter.

ii.  Ellie wanted a cookie, and so she slid the chair to the counter.

3.  Ellie wanted a cookie: She slid the chair to the counter.

Whether the sentences are combined using a conjunction like "so" or left apart, they stay elementary with a curt, choppy rhythm. When mixed among longer, more than complex sentences, paratactic sentences stand out and often function as a punch of straight information. They are specially useful in action scenes. The quick, staccato nature of this syntax mimics the fast animate and heart shell characters and readers feel in tense, dangerous, or exhilarating situations.

Paratactic Voice

When it comes to sentence organization, many writers nod off or only care enough to be clear, but the kind of syntax you use has a tremendous impact on voice. A child is going to arrange their sentences differently than a psychologist. Your sentence…

Paratactic sentences are useful when an author needs to build a naïve, artless, or impartial phonation. These sentences are not the syntax of someone delving into the depths of a state of affairs or subject; they are the quick, shallow observations of someone reporting what's happening around them without a judgement or the thoughts of someone incapable of deep consideration, at to the lowest degree in that moment. Patrik Ourednik uses parataxis to keep opinions at bay in Europeana: A Brief History of the Twentieth Century. The facts he chooses to report and the syntax he uses prevent sentence of the sometimes horrific events he covers. He states:

People traveled in sealed freight cars that remained closed throughout the journey and they had no where to go to the toilet, and, when someone died, the corpse remained in the automobile. Some concentration camps were intended for labor and others for extermination of the Jews (34).

Fifty-fifty though the beginning sentence is a run-on, it is a run-on composed of paratactic phrases. The thoughts are short recitations of facts that become straight to the indicate. This builds an all-seeing and impartial point of view, tone, and voice.

A character who primarily speaks through paratactic sentences will exist seen every bit straight and, depending on the delivery of the phrase, either common cold and distant or volatile and not in control. Giving a character brusque, simple sentences tin can help differentiate their voice from other characters.

Hypotaxis: Complex Judgement Construction

When it comes to sentence organization, many writers nod off or only care enough to be clear, but the kind of syntax you use has a tremendous impact on voice. A child is going to arrange their sentences differently than a psychologist. Your sentence…

The opposite of parataxis, hypotactic sentences are long and complex. They incorporate dependent clauses (phrases that can't be their own sentences) also as independent clauses. Hither are the paratactic sentences from earlier rewritten to represent a different character:

The aroma of melting chocolate and baking butter made Eleanor's mouth water, but her new diet did not allow the gooey goodness of cookies, not even fresh morsels destined for her grumbling, ungrateful uncle.

The circuitous nature of Eleanor's want to consume the cookie would not come through as strongly in a string of brusk, uncomplicated phrases. The hypotactic syntax mimics her want to eat the cookies both for their deliciousness and to avert giving them to her undeserving uncle. Therefore, hypotactic sentences are especially useful in creating multifaceted comparisons and all-encompassing, detailed scene-setting. The endless, intricate nature of hypotaxis compels the reader to steep themselves into the setting, story, and moment where a character experiences wonder or overwhelm, or meanders through a new environment.

Hypotactic Voice

Because hypotactic sentences are long and complex, they are useful when building a philosophical, well-educated, or verbose vocalization. These are the sentences of a deep thinker, eloquent speaker, or pompous ass depending on the tone and point of view. They vest to someone who seeks to empathize the world, their situation, or their field; not to someone uninterested in the subject area or their surroundings. While this mode of sentence is common in all genres, it is particularly popular in literary fiction. In Laird Hunt's Neverhome the narrator says:

When one of the women who rung her easily asked him if he had seen her darling male child in the fights, he did not answer but he did gulp and look away, and when, in that retreat, his optics establish mine and jumped like they had had xanthous-jacket stingers shoved into their centers, I knew I could withal have my hope (159).

When it comes to sentence organization, many writers nod off or only care enough to be clear, but the kind of syntax you use has a tremendous impact on voice. A child is going to arrange their sentences differently than a psychologist. Your sentence…

In this moment the reader sees the male graphic symbol sympathize with a women who went insane afterward losing her son in the war and recognize the point of view grapheme. The long, complicated sentence works in tandem with the evolution of his emotions and understanding of the situation. This adds some other layer to his character while showing the perceptiveness of the narrator.

A grapheme might speak through hypotactic sentences to convey a more than nuanced or complicated indicate, to work through a thought-process out loud, or to prove connections between subjects and theories. They could also be long-winded and trying to appear smarter than they are. While at showtime glance, hypotaxis might seem indirect, it tin be more than the bespeak the judgement is making is not unproblematic than the grapheme is beingness evasive or indirect.

Advice from an Editor on Building Vox with Syntax

Earlier I mentioned most writers don't think this securely about the organization of their sentences and that'south fine. Your choice in using a paratactic or hypotactic sentence is probably intuitive, and your preference for ane over the other is a part of your authorial style and vocalisation. Even so, at that place are times when adjusting your syntax can benefit your slice.

When it comes to sentence organization, many writers nod off or only care enough to be clear, but the kind of syntax you use has a tremendous impact on voice. A child is going to arrange their sentences differently than a psychologist. Your sentence…

If yous receive feedback saying your characters audio the same, look at their syntax. Do all of your characters construct sentences and therefore speak in the same way? Are they all using short, simple sentences or long circuitous ones? If and then, change one character's way of organizing their sentences and see what it does for their voice. I'yard not saying go full Yoda on your characters. Even a subtle difference in sentence/voice communication length and word option can differentiate your characters' voices.

You may as well want to change the length and complexity of your sentences based on the tone and footstep you are trying to set. Long, intricate sentences slow your pacing; short, directly sentences speed information technology upwards. If you are writing a novel, yous will demand sections of fast and slow pacing, and then adjust your syntax accordingly. If yous are writing a curt story, you might only demand one step.

Both paratactic and hypotactic sentences have their place. You tin can manipulate your grapheme's voice, build your authorial voice, and control your story'due south pacing through syntax. As the author, it is up to you to determine if long, complex sentences or brusk uncomplicated sentences will Ignite Your Ink.

What type of sentences exercise yous tend to write? Try rewriting a paragraph of your work in progress using the opposite type and let me know what it does to the voice of your piece in the comments below. For more assistance developing your authorial and character voices, download the synonym worksheet.


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ignited Ink Writing, LLC

vox, syntax, tone, pacing, sentence structure, writing mechanics, europeana, patrik ourednik, neverhome, laird hunt, hypotaxis, parataxis, dialogue, characters, punctuation
