
Sarcasm In A Modest Proposal

Analytical Essay on A Small-scale Proposal: Use of Sarcasm and Satire

  • Topics: A Small-scale ProposalSatire
  • Words: 414
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  • Folio: 1
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Its normal to believe that if you take only grew in skillful living conditions and don't know anything ameliorate, then you lot'll automatically presume everyone else must also take skillful living conditions. When yous showtime encounter someone who didn't live well you would think that information technology's because of something they did. This has been a common matter from the get-go of fourth dimension and is still common today. "A Minor Proposal" published by Johnathan Swift in 1729 is set in Republic of ireland where the population increased "… from less than 2 one thousand thousand in 1700 to nearly 5 million in 1800." (Tim Lambert). The Irish families suffered and from Britain's power to legislate over them. Several laws made against them like the Act of 1704, stated that "Catholics could not buy land. They could not exit their state to a single heir, and they could non inherit state from Protestants." (Tim Lambert).

The title , "A Modest Proposal" displays sarcasm in itself. It dismisses and undermines the reality of Irish living by comparison the worth of children to the worth of a common meal. Paragraph four, Swift explains his solution, which is unexplainable. He thinks the solution to relieve the Irish gaelic population is to kill Irish babies. Swift as well proposes that the babies should be eaten to feed the state and to clothe thousands. The paper does a good chore of showing how morally and ethically wrong the British can be and showing how the Irish choose to react to information technology.

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Swift used Juvenalian satire to explain the problems of the Irish and how they were really their own enemy. In the starting time words of the essay, "It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this not bad boondocks…"(Swift ) Instead of addressing the feelings of the oppressed, he says how it is depressing for the people not suffering to see them begging.Mothers, unable to work for their livelihood, 'are forced to employ all their Fourth dimension' struggling for nutrient.(Swift )

"…information technology will foreclose those voluntary abortions, and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children" (Swift ).A sarcastic statement that judges them on their religious choices. Irish people are traditionally Catholics who do not believe in abortions which explains why they have such large families. Some have an abortion, to avoid feeding some other homo. Families that do a proficient job of saving and taking care of their money tin can provide them with more things of their liking and can contribute to the well being of the customs.

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Analytical Essay on A Pocket-size Proposal: Utilise of Sarcasm and Satire. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved November 4, 2022, from

"Analytical Essay on A Modest Proposal: Use of Sarcasm and Satire." Edubirdie, 27 Sept. 2022,

Analytical Essay on A Modest Proposal: Utilise of Sarcasm and Satire. [online]. Bachelor at: <> [Accessed 4 Nov. 2022].

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