
How Big Do Succulents Get Indoors

Panda Plant Kalanchoe Tomentosa

Sedum Donkey Tail/ Burro's Tail

Crassula Ovata f. variegata

Succulents make a beautiful plant corner in every house. Yet not every place has enough sunlight for the light sensitive succulents that volition grow "leggy" from lacking of light. Withal, succulents are versatile plants, there're species that honey sunlight and can stand up estrus upwardly to 50F while others can live well outdoor or indoor. The general dominion of thumb to await for indoor succulents is to choose species that are generally dark-green and won't change colour even when "stressed".

String of Hearts

Ceropegia woodii, also known every bit the rosary vine, has abaft purplish stems that class tubers at the node and beautiful fleshy heart-shaped green leaves. String of Hearts is a popular hanging plant for its lovely appearance and vining nature. Hardiness: USDA Zone 11: above 4.five °C (40 °F).

See more virtually my String of Hearts care: How to take expert care of String of Hearts.

String of Bananas

Senecio radicans String of Bananas is a fast-growing succulent with vines that can reach at to the lowest degree 3 feet (ninety cm) long. The small, up to ane.2 inches (3 cm) long, green, pointed leaves grow single-file along the cascading stems, with the sides of the leaves partly translucent, allowing sunlight to shine through. Hardiness: USDA Zone 8a - 10b.

String of Pearls

Senecio rowleyanus, native to Namibia, Africa, has pendant stems to three' or more with unusual round "leaves" giving the impression of a "cord of pearls". The found is beautiful in a hanging basket, and can be inside the house in a vivid airy room, or outside in a protected patio. Hardiness: USDA Zone 8a - 10b.

See more about my String of Pearls care: How to Care for String of Pearls.


Lithops, native to Southern Africa, are also known past the proper noun 'Living Stones' considering of their resemblance to pebbles and rocks that scattered effectually their natural surroundings. Lithops are tiny deadening-growing plants that grow shut to the footing.

See more near my Lithops care: How to have care of Lithops.

Christmas Cactus

This plant has a flattened torso and the leaves are really its stems, from which the blood-red-pink flowers blossom during the holiday flavor. This popular, winter-flowering houseplant makes a great add-on to well-nigh whatsoever indoor setting. Christmas cactus is not simply easy to treat but propagates easily too, making it an exceptional candidate for holiday gift giving.

Panda Plant Kalanchoe Tomentosa

Kalanchoe Tomentosa, often called Panda Plant, is a succulent originated from Madagascar. In nature, Panda Plant can abound upward to several feet, merely if grown indoors, its size is limited by the size of the planter and can typically merely reach up to 2 feet in height. Hardiness zone: 9b-11.

Haworthia Zebra

Haworthia Fasciata 'Zebra Haworthia" is ane of the virtually popular Haworthia species. Its leaves are thin, and dark green with horizontal white ridges that resemble zebra striping. Zebra Haworthia is oft grown as indoor plant because of its bonny appearance and depression maintenance. It produces offsets freely, and the offsets can be propagated easily. Hardiness zone 9b - 11.

Haworthia Window

Haworthia cymbiformis, also known as Cathedral Window Haworthia or Window Haworthia, is a drought-tolerant evergreen succulent with rosettes upwardly to 3 inches (8 cm) alpine and iv inches (10 cm) in diameter. Window Haworthia is a popular houseplant because information technology is super piece of cake to grow and low maintenance. Whether you grow it indoors or outdoors, the growing atmospheric condition for this institute remain the same. USDA hardiness zone 9b to 11b.

Sedum Ass Tail/ Burro's Tail

Sedum Burrito, as well known every bit Burro's Tail or Donkey'due south Tail Delicious, is native to Mexico. It is an easy-to-grow perennial succulent and tin can tolerate any types of soil with good drainage. It has rounded and fleshy silver-green leaves that are densely packed on hanging stems. Hardiness zone: 9a - 10b .

Crassula Ovata f. variegata

Crassula ovata f. variegata 'Hummel's Sunset' is a deadening growing evergreen succulent that grows shrubs of upwards to 3 feet (ninety cm) tall. Information technology has shiny, round and fleshy light-green leaves with cream colored variegation. Hardiness zone 9a - 11b.

Like all succulents, indoor delicious types need their water, light, good drainage soil and air circulation to thrive.

Best Succulents to Grow Indoors, Best indoor succulents to grow at home, Benefits of Growing Succulents

Relish your gardening with ourcollection of all-time indoor succulents. They are easy to grow, incredibly adaptable, relatively pest-free, and are depression maintenance - ideal for any home, office, or garden to brand a perfect dark-green space.

Learn How To Care For Indoor Succulents!


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